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CSS classes structure is created automatically, along with those you created:

portal portal-<portal-id> group-<group-id>
    page layout-<layout-id>
        [state-<state-id>] // exists, if the whole page supports states
            place place-<place-id>
                // state class exists, if the concrete widget supports states
                [state-<state-id>] plug plug-<plug-id>
            place place-<place-id>
                // state class exists, if the concrete widget supports states
                [state-<state-id>] plug plug-<plug-id>
            place place-<place-id>
            . . .

For example, this structure at user/list page in some state looks like this:

portal portal-user-list group-user
    page layout-list
        place place-a
            state-loading plug plug-user-list-loading
        place place-b
            state-no-data plug plug-user-avatar-empty
        place place-c
            state-has-data plug plug-user-details
