#+hugo_section: blog-en
(a.k.a. Ulric Wilfred)
[ Blog ] [ Blog (ru) ] [ Resume ]

- site: http://shamansir.madfire.net
- e-mail: shaman.sir@gmail.com
- twitter: shamansir
- LinkedIn: shamansir
- googlecode: shaman.sir
- launchpad: ~shaman-sir
- vimeo: shamansir
- picasa: shaman.sir
Who I am
At work, I am JavaEE/Web developer. I like to develop client side: UI controls, visual representation of the server data, server to client (and back) data transfer and everything connected with that. Because of this, I am also experienced in JavaScript (with JQuery usage or without) and AJAX technologies (XML/JSON included). I like Java for its considered strictness and serious, technological approach. I also pay respect to Web Standards. JavaScript in its current condition is the Web language with its own culture, now it is an easy language to do dynamic and fun things on the pages. Of course, my skills is not limited with described ones, but these enumerated are the best in me :).
Here's my LinkedIn public profile. I've participated in many projects, they're described there, but to mention the huge ones, these are: MyPicturetown and UnlockAustin. I have a five-year experience as developer.
At home, I like everything connected to CG. I like to use at most Free/Open Source software, so my OS is preferably Linux/Ubuntu. And that's because, I consider I must pay something to Open Source community. I have several small projects, most of them are just unfinished ideas, the notable ones are
(Fingers motion detection driven by Lisp),sametimed
project (Google Wave Web Client) andshowdown blog
(Blog engine written in just XML and JS). I'm training my skills in Python, my favorite programming language, and in Web development at the same time. Also I have managed and participated in translation of Python Documentation to Russian language. To see all the stuff I am doing, visit my googlecode profile and profile at launchpad.I am trying to write the articles in my blog about the new things I find and getting to know (they call it
knowledge transfer
). In past times I've written posts a little bit rarely, but I'm trying to fill it up. And I am writing more to my russian version of the blog and just putting the translation later here. -
More stuff