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Modern Binary Reverse-Engineering with node.js, for Elm, or Why We Really Need Elm Playgrounds

Kind of a problem for the developers of these plugins, is the fact that for the moment Elm has no reflection (a way to get a type of an entity) and tends not to have it at all. By itself, having no reflection is rather a good thing, usually it complicates the language syntax and/or libraries a lot. But the detailed types information is needed to implement helpful things in editors—nice type hints, nice auto-completion etc...

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Generating Functional Parsers

Are you interested in a functional approach to parsers generation? Well, I'm sure you do, even if, at your side, you're not sure what it means exactly. It's just because anything that connects parsers and functional programming in practice can be nothing but joyful...

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Mastering Functional JavaScript Lecture Slides

In JavaScript, like, say, in Python, functions are also objects. It gives developer the opportunity to write pure (or not so, since there are no native monads support ;) ) functional code. Most people among us do easily forget about this fact, but it is still true and, what’s truly great, it was true from the start.

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GWT + mvp4g Lecture Slides

April 29, I’ve presented a lecture on Web-development with GWT and mvp4g Framework, at Application Developer Days 2011 Conference. Here are the slides.

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LimeJS: Writing a cross-platform game in HTML5 with touch support

LimeJS is 2D Open Source HTML5-engine for game development with touch-events support and it works (following to the description on the site) with most of mobile platfroms. I have found it not by myself, but last week I’ve got a letter with a proposition to tell community about the engine [in russian, this is an english version] and I’ve decided - so if this is the case, why waste time on trifles, why not to try this engine in action. Among with that, I have agreed in advance with engine authors that I will tell both advantages and disadvantages, so I hope to clear the advertisment halo from the article with that (though, what means advertisment to open-source)..?

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3 Tiny JavaScript Snippets

Currently I am doing some stuff in JavaScript and I need to have just a tiny amounts of code to work with. As tiny as this article. But there are some things I really need to make the development comfortable for myself. So I require them to be tiny too.

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Modelling a Solar System in Fluxus

Some time ago I wrote a post about fluxus, livecoding and 3D-prototyping system. Now I want to demonstrate some of its features and describe how you may use them in pseudo(;))scientific needs. For example, you can create a model of a simplified solar system and make it fit in only 125 lines of code (including comments) – it is the advantage of Racket language with graphic steroids, the core of fluxus and a descendant of PLT Scheme. Here how the result will look like:

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Sandwitch Tumblr Theme

Have created Tumblr theme named Sandwitch. I was going to make tumblr-blog look like showdown blog-engine style I’ve made, and seems the result in the end is even better!

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Easy as Sandwich: Blog Engine in JavaScript and XML

Say you suddenly needed a personal blog. I already have some puny free hosting, and it hosting is puny for real, so it has no PHP and it even has no possibilities to set up any server-side at all. Or even worse, you have only a Dropbox account and in this very moment, suddenly, the personal blog is needed.

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Way of the Rainbow: Fingers Motion Detection Algorythm Based on a Colors Differentiation (Driven by LISP)

I am crazy a little bit, so in my spare time I’ve started to study Lisp and, to make my studying more interesting, I’ve tried to make a realization of my own algorithm. “Algorythm”, for sure, is spoken too loudly, it has no matrix multiplication, no arrays sorting, no bubbles and no hard work in optimization (even no colors calibration, I sorry myself with the fact that this version if for learning). And yes, there are a lot of pictures in the article, and in the end there even will be a video.

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